Critical Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Road Motorcycle in Optimum Condition

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Preparing Your Boat For Summer

With summer on the way, you will want to ensure that your motorboat is in top condition. A long winter in storage can mean that your boat needs some tender loving care before she is ready to hit the water again. I am new to the world of boating but I have been lucky enough to make some great friends who have given me lots of great advice and tips. I decided to start this blog so I could write about what I have learnt about preparing your boat for summer and other motor sports topics. I hope you enjoy reading my blog!


Critical Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Road Motorcycle in Optimum Condition

9 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Owning a road motorcycle comes with an array of advantages. To begin with, motorcycles use much less fuel than cars so you can be assured that you will be spending less money on your commute to work. Secondly, motorcycles have an advantage when it comes to navigating traffic, which is perfect for individuals that find themselves constantly late to appointments.

Not to mention that having a road motorcycle does give you some swagger, as you get the chance to customise your bike and your riding gear too and this can be a great confidence booster. However, to make the most of your motorcycle, you need to provide it with the care that it needs. But where should you start? If you have recently acquired a road motorcycle, here are a few critical maintenance tips to keep it in optimum condition.

1. Replace the brake pads as needed

Unquestionably, some of the most essential components of your road motorcycle are the brake pads. These parts need to maintain a thickness of several millimetres if they are to function effectively. Hence, the moment that you notice they have worn down, it is vital that they are replaced immediately or you will be at risk of getting into a serious accident. It is important to note that there is no hard and fast rule of when these pads will lose their functionality as this will depend on several factors.

For instance, riders who tend to start and stop their motorcycle intermittently whenever they drive will wear down their brakes much faster than someone who does not drive that way. Moreover, if your location is characterised by multiple slopes or hills, the brake pads are exposed to more pressure than normal and this will contribute to their degradation. Overall, it is advisable to check their condition after several thousand kilometres.

2. Inspect the tyres regularly

Arguably, the tyres make up at least half of your road motorcycle. Thus, considering the amount of space they take as well as being the only contact that you have with the road, you must ensure these parts are in functional condition before you get on your bike. Several factors could compromise the performance of your tyres. First off, physical damages to the tyres in the form of cracks, tears and so on would jeopardise their integrity and increase the threat of a tyre burst while you are riding.

On the other hand, improper storage that would expose the tyres to extreme weather conditions will decrease their durability. For example, exposure to UV rays will cause the tyres to become brittle whereas excessive moisture can lead to rot. Lastly, do not overinflate or underinflate the tyres as this will lead to issues such as poor grip, decreases stability and more.

To learn more, contact companies that sell and repair Honda road motorcycles.